Driving in Southern MD rain.
It is dangerous to drive during heavy rains in the tri-county area, (Charles county, Calvert county or St. Marys county) because the road is in a slippery condition which is risky. Besides that, reckless drivers are also present who drive without their fog lights turned on. In addition, there is also a possibility of a flooded road.
Here are some tips to drive in heavy rain: Keep the beam lights turned off when driving in heavy rain because it will be reflected by water and the other drivers will have difficulty seeing the road clearly. Apart from that, the wipers must be also turned on while driving. In extreme weather, it is important to drive slower than usual. Speeding can risk the car spinning out of control and losing balance because of the slippery road. Keep a safe distance from the vehicles nearby. This is important so that the brakes can be applied easily in an emergency situation.
Staying away from bigger vehicles like lorries, trailers and trucks are better their tires will splash water on your windshield, which can cause risks of accidents. Besides that, the road ahead might not be clearly seen.
Try to drive in the center and follow the tire tracks of the vehicle in the front. Keep away from water puddles because big holes can be present under the water that can cause accidents. Avoid driving through flooded water unless you know its depth.
A good option is to stop over by restaurants or pit stops if the weather is really causing hurdles or you are not in a good mental state for driving. Once you stop, make sure that the hazard lights are switched on so that the oncoming traffic will easily see you and avoid coming near. The hazard lights must never be turned on while driving even if you are intending to warn other drivers about your presence because other drivers can misjudge your position. Use the lights wisely turn them on when really needed.
One may be confident to drive in heavy rain but still, extra precautions must be taken for ensuring that one makes a safe journey. On normal days, make sure that the windshield of your car is cleaned because it will help you to see better in rain. Some windscreen cleaner can be applied after washing the car. They help to make the windscreen waterproof ensuring a sparkling clear view.
Ensure that the windshield wipers are also in good condition, if they are not then replace them. Drivers must take precautionary measures for ensuring a safe journey even when the situation asks for driving in a heavy downpour.
For the best driving experience in any weather conditions keep your car in top shape with regular auto maintenance from Cheseldine Auto in Leonardtown or California MD.